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Monday, July 21, 2008

Imperial joy in Siberia, as cup runneth over

Jul 21, 2008 - Scandivnavian Oil-Gas Magazine - U.K.-based Russia explorer Imperial Energy Corp. has struck oil in the Glukovskoye 6 well in Western Siberia and the company expects to produce oil at the field year-end 2009, it was understood Monday. The well found oil across six metres of Jurassic-era rock. An offshoot pipeline will connect the field to Imperial’s Maiskoye-Luginetskoye export line. Elsewhere in the complex of West Siberian fields, the Festivalnoye 218 well encountered “significant showings of hydrocarbons”, but overproduction of mud compelled engineers to “cement back, run casing and side-track the well into the Palaeozoic using substantially greater mud weight”. Festivalnoye flows oil into the Maiskoye-Luganetskoye pipeline. The festival continued for Imperial with news the Ministry of Natural Resources has granted it a production licence until July 2028 for the Golovnoye Field in Block 74. With its cup over running over in the Tomsk region, Imperial managers now also expect first oil from the Kiev Eganskoye field to begin filling one of the company’s recently constructed 150-kilometre pipelines in September 2008.

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